La Nica Products Inc: What is cheese, and how is it made?
Cheese is a dairy product produced in wide textures, flavors and forms by coagulating milk protein casein. It comprises proteins and fat from milk. Despite the countless types of cheese, they all have milk in common. However, the types of milk differ, including goat, cow, buffalo, and buffalo milk. From milk to curd to cheese, there are steps along on how cheese is made. The process differs from cheese to cheese . La Nica product Inc . Therefore explain the step-by-step process of making cheese for any type in its earlier stages. How is cheese made ? Cheese is made up using chemical and physical processes that turn milk into curd characteristics. The treatment during curd forming, pressing, polishing, and storage conditions determine the characteristics of the cheese. here are the essential steps of cheese making Preparing the milk Cheese makers start by processing milk to standardize it— manipulating proteins to fat ratio. It also involves pasteurization to kill organisms that c...